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Configuring This Site

·501 words·3 mins
site hands-on hugo
Still at a stage when bug fixing is a fun activity./

Configuring this site took at least 3 days. No joking. Hugo is such a big project and it involves such a big community and so many choices. Just making decision between themes would take days to explore, and of course, start over.

But finally I settle for this blowfish theme.

Here I record some of the boot up steps and useful useless experience.

brew install hugo
hugo new site hugo-demo
hugo new posts/
hugo server --debug
hugo serve

Placing resouces for customization #

Hugo use two folders in project root folder to store user’s resources: assets and static.

static is only for those resources that does not need to be processed by hugo, like favicons. These files will be copied into public folder and referenced.

assets contains more complicated things, like custom css, fonts and images. Whichever the resource file should be, when configuring in hugo.toml, paths name should start after assets or static. That means, you cannot know which folder to place by just looking at the sample config file. When rendering pages, which folder to check is decided by the hugo or theme program. What’s under assets or static folder is what we can decide by modifying the config file.

Modify the default markdown frontmatter #

in archetypes/, modify the content so that next time when creating posts with hugo new command, more items could be in the auto-generated markdown file.

It’s intersting that the default hugo config file is in .toml while posts use yaml as front matter.

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
date: {{ .Date }}
draft: false
# slug: your-url-slug
- defaultCat01
- defaultCat02
- defaultTag
summary: "better to have some summary"

Get the right size for featured pictures #

Accroding to me inspection, the display size of featured image in list is 300 * 180 pixels. In card view the size is 310 * 200.

So next time prepare images in this size to avoid weird auto-sizing!

Put the whole folder onto github repo #

It’s best to put public folder to the repository main branch, and put the root folder to the same repo source branch.

I have configured the public folder to be in main branch. Here is how I set the project root folder as source branch:

# initialize the local git repo
cd /en-spongefunction
git init

# add remote repo
git remote add origin

# create and switch to source branch
git checkout -b source

# add all files to repo
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit for source branch"

# push to remote source
git push -u origin source

# deal with the public folder submodule
git submodule add -b main public
git commit -m "Add public as submodule"
git push origin source

I did not use submodule though it’s used by a lot of blogs. I added public folder to .gitignore to make git work separately. It works most of the time, and breaks sometimes.